Bethany Christian SchoolMENU
Thank you for being apart of our school community, we are glad to have you on board.
A full day of TRT is 8:00am (first morning duty) until 3:30pm (end of a afterschool yard duty). Should we only need a half day, this will be communicated with you directly.
Please expected to be utilised for every lesson, and potentially up to two yard duties duirng your day as the TRT.
The Bethany Christian School staff are a great team, and you can be confident any member of the team will do their best to help you to answer any questions.
When you arrive please sign in at the Front Office and collect your TRT bundle (badge, key, vest and first aid kit) for the day. Please return all items when sign out at the end of the day.
You will have been issued with a personalised, unique username and password to operate Edumate, this was emailed to you after the induction meeting. Upon arrival should you need reminding of the password the Admin team will be able to assist.
When sending printing to the staff photocopier, please select the printer 'FOLLOWME', this will then allow you to release your printing from any of the major photocopiers around the school using the TRT photocopy code: 34654
Teachers will provide you with the following to help assist your day:
As notes are left we ask that you following the planning as closely as possible.
You can access a teacher's daily plan (including student notes) by finding their class folder via the Teams link below. You will need to sign in using the personalised TRT password to gain access.
There will be a blue folder that needs to be sent to the student desk by 9:15am each morning. Between 2:30 - 3:00pm they will be returned with any notices that need to be handed out to students before the end of the day. Please disctibute during the afternoon administraiton time.
To finish your day teachers really appericate the classroom left in a tidy and orderly fashion. Teachers also love some feedback (notes) on how the day went.
When leaving after a great day please make sure the air conditioner and lights are off, windows are closed and the classroom door is locked.
Finally, please sign out at the Front Office returning your TRT bundle, and then complete your TRT payment claim using the online claim form.
To book work with you, you will normally receive a text message with the date of work needed, this will happen for dates know in advance. From time to time you will recevie calls, this normally happens on the morning should someone call in sick. These calls will normally happen between 6:00 and 6:30am.
If you receive a text message or call, could you please confirm either way as this really helps me know how to proceed. I understand that you can't always work, but letting me know this really helps.
Once booked you will then start receiving cover emails from our school system, which outlines your daily schdeule. Some day may be for future dates, so please be aware of this when looking at the cover emails.
These cover emails should show the class you are covering, these locations can be found on the School Map below.
You may receive multiple cover emails from the same day (with or without changes), this happens as each time anyone's booking changes and cover emails are sent for the day, it send an email to all TRTs booked in for the day.
So please keep the most up-to-date email handy.
Bethany's dress code is smart casual. We ask that demin is not worn.
If you are covering a Physical Education day, please dress appropriately, and bring a hat, sunscreen and whistle.
Please use the link to access the staff dashboard. This has a link of all the useful school links, which will help you throughout the day.
Please use the link to access the student dashboard
Edumate for Class Roll
When arriving for the day, you will be able to use the provided login information to access the computers at school.
When loaded you will be able to login into Edumate using the login information on your welcome email from the Admin Team to complete the morning roll.
To access the teachers planning once logged in you will be able to open the Teams App on the computer, select the Teams icon on the left hand side, select TRT Team (Red in colour), make sure the General Channel has been selected, click files, and finally select TRT Class Files to find the class that you are covering today
Please complete your pay claim form at the end of each day
Please see the Yard Duty Roster and School Map (with Yard Duty Locations).
Open Roster Yard Duty 25.pdf (97.26 KB)
Open School Map Yard Duty 25.pdf (105.81 KB)
Open Yard Duty Explanations 25.pdf (69.19 KB)
While on yard duty you may come across students behaviour that needs to be recorded.
Please record this behaviour on the green Yard Duty Slips (carbon copies) that should be found in your Yard Duty bag.
Please return the original copy to the class teacher (if able to) and then drop the carbon copy to the Front Desk at the end the day with the rest of the items. Please make sure you communicate that these slips may need processing.
You would also find Care Room slips. These need to be filled out any time students need to go do the Care Room. More information is below.
Bell Time | Lesson |
8:00 | Before School Duty 1 |
8:20 | Before School Duty 2 |
8:45 | Morning Admin (Mark Roll) |
9:10 | Lesson 1 |
9:50 | Lesson 2 |
10:30 | Recess |
10:50 | Lesson 3 |
11:30 | Lesson 4 |
12:10 | Lesson 5 |
12:50 | Eating Time (Lunch Orders) |
1:00 | Lunch Duty 1 |
1:20 | Lunch Duty 2 |
1:40 | Lesson 6 |
2:20 | Lesson 7 |
3:00 | Pack Up |
3:10 | Dismissal |
Our end of day school bell goes at 3:07 as a reminder to have students packed up, and then out the door for 3:10pm to assist with the flow of the car park.
The class roll must be completed daily by all classroom teachers as close to 8:45am as possible, and no later than 9:00am
The best way to use the Edumate attendance system is to follow the pattern as described below:
1. When the bell rings students head to class.
2. Teachers mark the roll as soon as class begins (marke as either PRESENT or ABSENT).
3. Once the roll is marked and completed, any late students must sent to the office to sign in.
4. The office signs in the student and gives the student a printed late slip.
5. The student takes this slip and gives it to the teacher to get into class.
The best way for teachers to get to the mark roll screen is through the Diary option on the left-hand vertical menu.
From Diary, simply select the lesson and then the mark roll option.
1. Make sure you are on the correct period roll. Should be set to AM.
2. Click Auto-mark roll
3. As you call the roll, change any students AWAY to ABSENT with the dropdown menu
4. When all absentees are entered click COMPLETE ROLL.
Never allow a child to leave the school with an adult without an early departure slip.
If need be, redirect the parent to the Student Desk and keep the child in the classroom until they return with the slip.
If you are handed an early dismissal slip on duty during a break time, please make sure the slip goes to the student’s teacher to alert them that their student has gone home.
The school has three bells to indicate an emergency:
Evacuation - Alternating high and low tone
Leave the classroom with your class and move to the oval. Roll Call on the Oval
Invacuation - Tone ascending
Stay in the classroom, Lock the door, close the blinds move away from the windows and shelter under desks.
All Clear - Condistent tone repeated
These tones can be found in the TRT class folders under 00 Evacuation Alamrs Folder
Canteen orders are placed online through the Munch Monitor app.
Any student that has forgotten their lunch can be sent to the Student Desk to have lunch organised for them.
There is also a sandwich bar outside the Well-being HUB where students can access sandwiches for forgotten lunches.
If a child needs to go to the toliet, please send the student to the toilet with a buddy from class. Students are not to roam the school alone.
Students may need first aid during your time as a TRT.
Should a child need anything more than a bandaid, please send the student (with a buddie) to the student desk with one of the white First Aid notes from your TRT bumbag.
The blue Absentee Folder needs to be filled out and sent to the office before 9:15am. When it is delivered back to the class in the afternoon, please go through it as there will be notes to go home with students for that day.
Each class has a behvaiour booklet to record students behaviour.
Please record all behvaiour in this booklet, as it is the best communication tool between you, the class teacher, and the Deputy Principal.
Please see an outline of the behaviour management system at Bethany.
Please use during your time at Bethany as it will assist you with classroom management.
In an emergency, call the front office on 8283 0000 or Debbie Clifford on her mobile.
“Happy” Tick x 1
Step 1 = 3 Stickers
Pick a sticker from the box
“Happy” Tick x 1
Step 2 = Prize Box
Get a certificate from the class teacher.
“Happy” Tick x 1
Step 3 = Certificate
“Happy” Tick x 1
Step 4 = Happy Step 4 Certificate (Chapel)
Receive a certificate at the next Chapel
“Happy” Tick x 1
Step 5 = Happy Step 5 Deputy Certificate (Chapel)
Receive a certificate at Chapel
Warning x 1
Step 1 = Logical Consequence
Note sent home found under step chart
Warning x 1
Step 2 = Time Out in Buddy Class (3X)
Interview and restore working relationship with student
Note home if time doesn’t allow
Warning x 1
Step 3 = Detention
20 minutes at lunch in detention room
A think sheet needs to be completed
Both the think sheet and official letter is sent via mail to parents
Warning x 1
Step 4 = Visit the Deputy
Interview with the Deputy Principal and contact is made with parents. This is a serious level.
Warning x 1
Step 5 = Visit the Deputy Principal
Suspension or Exclusion at the discretion of the Principal or Deputy Principal.
If you NEED to remove the child from the room immediately, either send for Deb or send them to the class next door. Remember that Time Out is a consequence for Step 2; it does not necessarily need to be immediate.
ALL students being sent to Time Out MUST be sent with a filled out Time Out slip. These slips need to be passed on to Deb Clifford (Deputy Principal) or Priya Wilson (School Nurse) for recording.
Please avoid sending students to their buddy class during the respective teacher’s Non-Contact time. If you can, send them when they are not on a Non-Contact time.
Please keep an eye on the time and send the child in Time Out back at the end of their allocated time in your classroom.
Time Allocations | |
Reception | Year 1 | 10 mins |
Year 2 | 10 - 15 mins |
Year 3|4 | 15 mins |
Year 5|6 | 20 mins |
Class | Send To |
RHAY | 2N |
RHAN | 1G |
RTD | 1PC |
1PC | 2DM |
1WC | RTD |
1G | 2Z |
2N | RHAN |
2DM | 1WC |
2Z | RHAY |
3M | 6SC |
3N | 6T |
3HR | 4K |
4GT | 3M |
4W | 5T |
4K | 6W |
5T | 3HR |
5R | 4W |
5M | 4GT |
6W | 5M |
6T | 3M |
6SC | 5R |
Leaving the classroom without permission and physical violence are deemed unsafe behaviours and therefore not tolerated at Bethany Christian School.
These behaviours must be reported to the relevant Coordinator or Deputy Principal to issue a Community Service.
Remember to record yard offences (including the names of victims or isolated children) in the blue or pink yard duty books.
All behaviours are recorded and tracked. Patterns are picked up and dealt with.
Hand out Logical Consequences only.
Further consequences will be handed out by the relevant teacher or coordinator.