Bethany Christian School

Bethany Christian School


Week 7Term 12024

Some of our reception students in traditional Indonesian dress.

From the Principal

Welcome to our Week 7 newsletter. Last Friday we held our Primary Athletics day and were very grateful for the break in hot weather just in time to enjoy a day outdoors. Our students did a wonderful job of bringing a great attitude and we thank you for your support on the day. We hope you enjoyed a coffee and a chat while your cheered on our students. I would like to thank our Sports Department for their work in making it a wonderful day.

Next week we celebrate what is perhaps the most significant celebration in the Christian calendar, Easter. Easter is the climax of the story which began at Christmas with the birth of Jesus, God’s son, and brings a new era of salvation and hope for all people. The death and resurrection of Jesus makes a way for us to know forgiveness and restores our relationship with God. 

This week we will be sending home a Family Easter Activities sheet that includes optional experiences for you to explore how Easter brings ‘new life’ together. There are a range of fun activities that have come together through our co-creation with staff and students. One of the options provides a QR code to book tickets to our Easter Chapels for Wednesday 3rd April.

We have 2 special chapels, a Junior Primary (ELC- Yr 2) and a Primary Chapel (Yr 3-6), that will share the learning of our students as they have explored how Easter brings ‘new life’. The tickets for these Chapel services are free and are to ensure that we have enough seating. We understand that you may not be available during school hours and so we will record these events for you to enjoy at a later time via a weblink.

This week we have been invited to share the story of Bethany Christian School at Parliament House, Canberra. We were selected to meet with the Minister for Education, Jason Clare MP to share our school journey, supported by Independent Schools Australia (ISA). We are one of 3 schools selected from around Australia to attend. This is an important meeting to petition the Minister to support Independent schools with reform funding. This funding is what enables us to access professional learning and to connect with others who are impacting education. Our story will also soon be published by ISA and I look forward to sharing this with you early next term.

Next Thursday we finish early at 12:10pm.  This is in line with Temple Christian College and allows families who are going away for the easter weekend to beat some of the traffic. I do pray for safety on our roads as you travel this Easter.

Following Easter, we also have our Parent Teacher Interviews on Thursday 4th April and Tuesday 9th April. You should have received an email to make a booking. If you need to update your email or other contact details, please contact the office.

Our school term ends on Friday 12th April at 3:10pm and students return to school on Tuesday 30th April.

I hope that you have some fun discovering the new life of Easter with the family Easter Activities and I pray that you and your family will experience the joy of Easter over this special season.

Wendy Matear

Deputy's Corner

There has been such a wonderful build up towards the Easter period here at school. I know we are all looking forward to seeing what the classes contribute to their Easter event in week 9!

Car Parking
A friendly reminder that when using either the Kiss ‘n’ Drop or the Turning Circle in the afternoon, please consider the people using the car park and roads. Avoid queuing along the Kiss ‘n’ Drop and Turning Circle between 2.30pm - 3.10pm. In the Turning Circle particularly, the long queues of cars waiting to collect Bethany children who are dismissed at 3.10pm are preventing Temple staff and parents from leaving the car park. Please be courteous of all car park users. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Smoking and Vaping Legislation Change
Significant changes to Vaping and E-Cigarette use have been introduced by Government in an effort to address the health concerns of users and the wider community. The changes to the legislation came in to effect from Friday 1st March 2024.
These changes will include persons using vapes and e-cigarettes in/around schools, children’s service premises and educational facilities.There are penalties for breaches of the smoke-free and vape-free outdoor areas laws. These penalties can apply to a person who smokes or vapes in a no smoking and no vaping outdoor public area prescribed by regulations.

The Tobacco and E-Cigarette Products (Smoking bans) Amendment Regulations 2023 create smoke-free and vape-free areas in the following areas:

  • at early childhood services premises, and education and children’s services facilities (including schools), and within 10 metres of their boundaries
  • at and within 10 metres of non-residential building entrances, such as entrances to shopping centres, government and commercial buildings
  • at public hospitals and health facilities, private hospitals and residential aged care facilities, and within 10 metres of their boundaries 
  • within outdoor public swimming facilities
  • at major events venues declared under the Major Events Act 2013
  • at and within 10 metres of a sporting venue during an organised underage sporting event, training or practice session    
  • on beaches between and within 50 metres of red and yellow patrol flags, and under (and within five metres of jetties.   

Please be aware of the new signs being put up around our school.

SRC Staff vs Student Netball Match
The SRC organised and ran the Staff vs Student Netball match on Thursday 14th March and it was a well-attended lunch time event. Despite some excellent ball skills, communication and strong audience support, students lost their match to the staff. Congratulations to the staff, and commendations to the students who played so well.

SRC Casual Day
The SRC met last week and agreed to hold a casual day on Wednesday 10th April (Week 10). The cost of participation will be a gold coin donation. The SRC would like to raise money for sports equipment for recess and lunch time play. Further details will be provided in the coming weeks.

I do wish you and your families a great week ahead, and I wish you all a very blessed Easter long weekend.

God bless you,

Deb Clifford
Deputy Principal


Health Care

Camp Medication
The Year 6s are going on their camp in Week 2, Wednesday 8th May to Friday 10th May. The school will pack the medication that has been provided to the school. However, if your child is on any regular medication that needs to be administered in the evening, night or in the morning, please provide the medication along with a management plan or medication authority form signed by a doctor and the parent by Wednesday 10th April 2024. The following details need to be included:  name of the child, medication name, dose, time to administer and any special instructions. All medications including antihistamines, Panadol and any other over the counter medication/herbal medications need to have a doctor’s note. The school will not be able to administer any medication without the doctor's authorisation form, as per the school policy. If the medication is not provided by the end of Week 6 the child may not be able to attend camp. If you have any concerns, please contact the school on 8283 0000.

Week 10 is swimming week for our Year 3s and Year 4s.

I would like to remind you of the following:
•    If your child suffers from eczema which is worsened by swimming, please talk to your child's teacher or to the school nurse who can help to implement a care plan for your child
•    As usual the school will pack the medication that has already been provided to the school
•    Please make sure to check your child’s hair for headlice before the swimming event
•    If your child is not feeling well, please keep the child at home and notify the school
•    As per the swimming center's policy, you must not swim for 2 weeks after gastro symptoms have ceased
•    For more information about the swimming center's policies please visit the below link 

God bless you,

Priya Wilson
School Nurse

Library Volunteers

Fruit Fly Outbreak

We have been advised by AISSA and PIRSA (Department of Primary Industries and Regions SA) of a Fruit Fly outbreak in Salisbury North.

It is important to note that the Suspension Area is quite broad and extends from Gawler River in the North, Inglewood in the East, Prospect to the South and North Haven in the West. These zones identify the different actions required to be taken by individuals, schools and businesses in relation to the transport and handling of fruit and vegetables. 


Market Access map - Local (Salisbury North) - colour coded.pdf

Open Market Access map - Local (Salisbury North) - colour coded.pdf (5.18 MB)

With respect to homegrown fruit:

  • If you are in the red zone, leave it home. 
  • If you are in the yellow zone, you can move fruit within the yellow zone area.

What about store-bought fruit and vegetables?

Schools can continue to stock canteens and families can continue to pack lunchboxes with fruit and vegetables purchased from retail shops, providing it is stored secured when being transported and the waste is disposed of correctly at school (if located in a red or yellow area). This is because all fruit sold in shops is either certified as having been treated or sourced from a part of South Australia that is still recognised as pest-free, and so no treatment is required.

The risk of infestation while travelling from the shop to home and then back to school is very low, however, PIRSA has indicated it is best to keep fruit in a sealed container/bag just in case.

Waste disposal at schools across Adelaide does not need to be adjusted, given that the general green waste collection system composts the green waste to an agreed standard.

You can contact the Fruit Fly Hotline on 1300 666 010 or visit for more information.

Community News


Hope Hampers

Circle of Security Workshop

Easter Service - Base Church

Sports News

BCS Athletics Report


In warm conditions, our Upper Primary students participated in the BCS annual Athletics Carnival on Friday, 15th March. In a sea of blue, red and green, students participated in sprints, 200m and 800m runs as well as shotput, discus and long jump events. There was a lot of friendly competition between students as they competed against others in their age group to earn the most points throughout the day and secure the Individual Achievement medal. Staff enjoyed seeing the smiles on everyone’s faces as they tried their best, for some in events that were brand new to them. The day was a great success, with Meshach coming away with the house win, in what was a very tight competition all day. Congratulations to all involved on a wonderful day of community and competition!

New School Athletics Records

Congratulations to the students who broke previous school athletics records at this event!

Age | GenderStudentEventDistance | Time
8 GirlsHarper F800m4:19.99mins
8 BoysCharlie M800m3:50.98mins
9 BoysBior A-R800m3:10.00mins
10 BoysAshton SDiscus21.10m

Sportsmanship Awards

Well done to those who showed great sportsmanship throughout the day, and were awarded the sportmanship award.

AgeFemale SportsmanshipMale Sportsmanship
8 Year OldAria JSebastian C
9 Year OldJessica TJonah J
10 Year OldEtta-Hope SCooper J
11 Year OldAmelia FJames L
12+ Year OldLana TBrandy L

Age Champion

Congratulations to the individuals who were awarded the most points and won the overall age champion for their age-gender group!

AgeFemale Age ChampionMale Age Champion
8 Year OldHarper FElijah T-F
9 Year OldHannah McMichael S
10 Year OldElise BAshton S
11 Year OldEmily D, Isla FEthan L
12+ Year OldSophie SNhial M-Y

House Points

Congratulations to Meshach who were House Champions for 2024!

PlaceHouseTotal Points

Weekly Basketball | Rec - Yr 6

Bethany Christian School offers a Weekly Basketball program. This is a user pay program staffed by approved volunteer coaches, with compulsory weekly after school trainings held at BCS

There are two seasons per year

Winter Season - Terms 2 and 3  |  Summer Season - Terms 4 and then 1

Age Groups as follows (must be 5 yrs old)

U08s mixed  |  U10s mixed  |  U12 Boys | U12 Girls

Saturday games are generally at the following recreation centers

Golden Grove  |  Burragah  |  Turramurra  |  Ingle Farm  |  The ARC

Weekly Netball | Rec - Yr 6

Bethany Christian School offers a Weekly Netball program. This is a user pay program staffed by approved volunteer coaches, with compulsory weekly after school trainings held at BCS

There are two seasons per year

S1 Season - Terms 1 and Two  |  S2 Season - Terms 2 and 4

Age Groups as follows (must be 5 yrs old)

U08s mixed  |  U10s mixed  |  Under 12s mixed

Saturday games are at the The Gardens Recreation Centre.

Match Results | Weekly Sports

Saturday 09|03

SportTeamOpponentCoach's PickMatch Result
NetballU08 Shooting StarsMini HurricanesSakyra WNS - -
NetballU08 Golden StarsLightning Blitz 8Keira CNS - -
NetballU10 Wild StarsLightning Blitz 2Ava MW141
NetballU10 Bright StarsHurriancesEmily SL715
BasketballU08 BallersBrooks Cajuns 8Xavier BL615
BasketballU08 CelticsTyndale SharksEveryoneL722
BasketballU10 LakersWalkerville 10Blake HW1713
BasketballU10 BullsHope Valley Heat 10b-W257
BasketballU10 WarriorsRaptors 12Kade M, Ethan LL1233
BasketballU12 Boomers76ers CheetahsCallum OL1324
BasketballU12 HornetsWings SwishBrodie BW1918

Saturday 16|03

SportTeamOpponentCoach's PickMatch Result
NetballU08 Shooting StarsRenegadesBrooklyn N NS - -
NetballU08 Golden StarsMaswon Lakes PearlsHarlow JNS164
NetballU10 Wild StarsPooraka AllstarsHannah M W12 -
NetballU10 Bright StarsLightning Blitz 3Hannah H L818
BasketballU08 BallersBrooks ThrillersConnor SL425
BasketballU08 CelticsHeccies 8 Red - - - -
BasketballU10 Lakers76ers PhantomsOliver PW232
BasketballU10 BullsBrooks Cajuns 10Ethaniel YL812
BasketballU10 WarriorsKings EaglesDavid O L619
BasketballU12 BoomersShooting Stars 12aHarley M W2418
BasketballU12 HornetsModbury Falcons

Weekly Information

Important Dates

Friday 22nd MarchHearing Screening
Monday 25th MarchYear 5 Camp
Tuesday 26th MarchYear 5 Camp
Wednesday 27th MarchYear 5 Camp
Thursday 28th MarchEarly dismissal for Easter
Friday 29th MarchGood Friday
Monday 1st AprilEaster Monday
Thursday 4th AprilHearing Screening
Tuesday 2nd April to Friday 12th AprilSchool Dental visits
Thursday 4th April and Tuesday 9th AprilParent Teacher Interviews
Monday 8th April to Friday 5th AprilSwimming Lessons for Year 3 and 4

Uniform Shop Opening Times

Wednesday8.15 to 10.30 am
Friday8.15 to 10.30 am

Chapel Times

Reception to Year 2Wednesday 12.10pm to 12.50pm
Year 3 to 6Wednesday 10.50am to 11.30am

PE Timetable

ELCMonday to Friday
RHAYTuesday and Friday
RHANTuesday and Thursday
RTBWednesday and Friday
1GTuesday and Thursday
1PMWednesday and Friday
1RWednesday and Thursday
2DMWednesday and Thursday
2WMWednesday and Friday
2ZTuesday and Friday
3HRTuesday and Friday
3MMonday and Thursday
3NWednesday and Friday
4GTMonday and Friday
4KTuesday and Wednesday
4WMonday and Thursday
5MMonday and Thursday
5RTWednesday and Friday
5TTuesday and Friday
6SCTuesday and Wednesday
6TMonday and Thursday
6WTuesday and Friday

School Terms 2024

Term 1Monday 5th February to Friday 12th April
Term 2Tuesday 30th April to Friday 5th July
Term 3Tuesday 23rd July to Friday 27th September
Term 4Monday 14th October to Wednesday 11th December

Bethany Christian School

PO Box 2125
Salisbury Downs SA 5108
37 Countess St
Paralowie, SA, 5108

P. 08 8283 0000
F. 08 8283 0101

Newsletter published: Thursday, March 21 2024

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