Bethany Christian School

Bethany Christian School


Week 5Term 22019

Year 3 Tonsley Innovation District Excursion

From the Principal

Our week began with a large School Tour continuing to show the interest that families have in joining our wonderful school community. This sentiment is echoed in many places and in many different ways. At times it is seen as your children play in their streets or when they visit shopping centres with you. It is clear as we work with students who are choosing to go beyond their usual school work expectations and participate in dance groups or choir or sporting teams. It echoes to other schools as we meet with others to share the journey that Bethany has been a part of through the Rudolph project and now Student Agency. It is seen and heard in many different ways and I am blessed to be a part of this wonderful, caring community.

This week we are holding our annual School Photographs. We also have a Pupil Free Day coming up next Friday. If you require care for your child, please book them in to OSHC which is available for you. The next week begins with a Public holiday Monday and always provides us with a restful break as we head in to the colder weather. I would encourage you to take some time to enjoy a rest as well as some family time.
Our teachers are currently writing School Reports for your children. This is a very time consuming exercise and they take a great deal of care in preparing and presenting this information for you. If you have questions or concerns about your child’s progress, please make a time to meet with your child’s teacher along the way rather than waiting for the end of term. This kind of communication helps you to work together and ensure the best outcomes for all.

We hope that you have enjoyed the new format of our newsletter that can be read on a smart phone as well as larger screens. Our IT team have worked hard to find a way to improve the reading experience for you to make sure that we communicate important information clearly.

We have just begun working with AISSA and Charles Leadbeater exploring Student agency. Agency is another way of talking about the individual having the capacity to act or choose. We will be learning more about how we help our students to build their capacity to act in appropriate ways within different environments and circumstances. Charles’ research includes:

  • Levels of agency: individual, collaborative, collective.
  • Domains of agency: economic, creative, moral, governance.
  • Ingredients of agency: purpose, reflection, responsibility, commitment.
  • Enablers of agency: knowledge, meta cognition, assessment for progress, social and emotional capacity.

These provide a really comprehensive framework for us to develop a project to research how this will help us as a learning community. We agree that “Students should emerge from their schooling as purposeful, reflective, responsible agents, investing themselves actively to achieve goals they devise and endorse to shape the future for the better (AISSA, 2018)”.

I pray that you will have a lovely weekend.

God bless,

Wendy Matear

Christ is the visible likeness of the invisible God.  He is the first-born Son, superior to all created things.

Colossians 1:15

Deputy's Corner

Welcome to the mid-way point of Term 2! How fast is this term racing by? The weather has truly turned cold and wintery and it’s a great time to remind our children to wear weather appropriate clothing and to add those extra layers. It’s also a great time to remind them to eat healthily, maintain great hygienic habits (wiping noses, catching sneezes and coughs and most importantly, washing hands) and getting enough sleep to help their bodies cope with busy school days!

Student Attendance

With the rise of illness during what is being described as a bad flu season, keeping your children home when they are sick is really important. Please remember to contact the front office if your child will not be attending school so that we can notify their teachers. By the end of Week 5, the school will have had 74 school days. We expect our students to attend at least 95% of those days, factoring in days that they may have been kept home for illness. This means, all students are expected to have attended 70 or more days this year.
If your child has been absent more than 15 days this year, this is equivalent of only an 80% attendance and can be at great risk of missing so much school that it would be difficult for them to keep up with their work. It also affects them socially. At an 80-90% attendance rate, your child could potentially miss up to 2 whole years of their schooling between Reception and Year 10, putting them at a severe disadvantage.

Students who have 80% or less attendance of school will have missed so much time from school it will be almost impossible for them to keep up with their school work or keep in touch with friends. This much missed time from school is equivalent to a child missing a total of 3 years of school from Reception to Year 10. At this point, immediate action by the parent or caregiver is required. To be in this bracket, by the end of this week, they would have missed 15 or more days this semester.

Students who are regularly late to school and need to sign in before going to class, or those who are persistently signed out from school early are also at great risk. While it may only seem like a small amount of time late or early departure, it all adds up and can be shocking for their parents/caregivers to realise that their time has amounted to a 10% absenteeism rate and now puts their child at risk. Even as little as getting to school by 9am each day is equivalent to 5 days of lost learning if it is added up.

The school will obviously take individual circumstances into account when looking at attendance data. If your family are planning a holiday, or your child requires on-going specialist appointments that can only be attended during school hours, please ensure you fill out the relevant ‘Exemption from School’ forms which can be accessed at the front desk. If you are concerned about how many days your child has been absent from school, or you are having difficulty in getting your child to school, please speak to your child’s classroom teacher or make an appointment to speak to me so that you can access some help.

Online Gaming

The Advertiser on Sunday 26th of May had a two-page article on Fortnite and the battle South Australian parents are having with game addiction. In this article it highlighted key aspects of concern; age appropriateness, ease at which players can access the game and addictions to gaming. None of these three concerns are solely aimed at the game ‘Fortnite’, as they can apply to any game. Regardless of the activity, if a child is accessing content that is not suitable for their current developmental age and then finds it difficult to stop playing, it becomes a genuine concern. The take-away for readers in this article was the steps to take to stop the addiction.

They are:
• Draw up a family contract to outline screen time rules, discuss them, listen to feedback and have both parties sign
• Stick to the rules every day – don’t let them slide when inconvenient
• Set up parental controls on individual devices or the family Wi-Fi router to limit game play outside the rules
• Ban devices from children’s bedrooms, including laptops, smartphones and game consoles
• Respect age ratings on video games
• Play your child’ favourite video game with them so you have a better understanding of the risks and their interests
• Provide a good example for your children by maintaining healthy use of your devices
• Seek expert advice if your child’s video game play becomes excessive and harms relationships and academic performance (taken from Advertiser, Jennifer Dudley-Nicholson, Sunday 26th May, 2019, pp 20-21).

A key message is that simply banning or taking away a game does not solve the issue. It is about teaching our children how to make good, healthy and informed choices. What it amounts to is asking ourselves the question, “does this game/activity add value to my child?” 
We can offer support to any family finding a difficulty with online gaming or another form of addictive behaviour. Please feel free to seek our support by contacting the school. We are here to help!

Wishing you all a wonderful week, praying that you will all stay warm and healthy!

God bless you!

Deb Clifford
Deputy Principal


Year 6 2019 Camp - Wirraway

This year on the 13th - 15th of May 6T, 6S & 6SH went on camp to Wirraway Homestead. Some of the highlights of camp were horse riding, archery, rock climbing, the amazing race, & whip cracking. Horse riding was a really popular activity because the majority of us have never ridden a horse before. We were all split up into groups and when it was your shot you not only got the chance to ride the horses, but you were able to groom them and train them. When we went into the horse riding area we had to put on horse boots and a helmet for safety reasons. We got taught little skills like how to get a horse to move and how to get them to stop.

We did archery on the last day and that was really dangerous and there were about 10 targets that we had the opportunity to hit. If we hit a certain one we would get a wormy, which is a piece of foam that comes out of the back and we get to keep it and put it on our badges which were horses so you could either give your horses a mane or a horn. Sheep herding was really fun but the sheep were really stubborn and wouldn't move. As a team we had to face difficulties and challenges of trying to get the sheep into a pen and that meant we had to work as a team which we were pretty good at.

The amazing race was were you would split up in to groups of 4 and you would get a laminated piece of paper and another piece of paper with questions about the photos and the Wirraway Camp in general and then at the end of the session we would tally up the points and whoever won they would get a nice high five. Our camp experience ended with a relaxing bus ride back to school.

By Madison M

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On the 13th of May to the 15th of May 2019, the Year 6's went to Wirraway Homestead for camp. There were a lot of fun activities such as Horse riding, bush walking, sheep herding, horse caring, shelter building, rock climbing, whip cracking and other fun activities for free time. Wirraway Homestead even has its own Amazing Race and shed for meetings and doing horse shoes puzzles, singing and extra little games. The food was awesome and there was fruit to have while doing your activities, the apples were delicious. There were also two big trampolines with music in that area. Year six camp in 2019 was really fun.

By Tasha A

On the 13-15th of May as Year six classes we went to a camp called Wirraway Homestead. When we got to the camp site we were welcomed by the friendly staff. We collected our badges, found our dormitories and set out for a look around camp. The students most favorite activity was horse riding, we all got assigned to a horse and we were taught how to ride and how to groom them. 

The activities that they had provided for us were archery - there was a few targets for us to hit one of them is called the worminater, the worminater is a target with foam and you need to try and hit it and when you do you can put in on your badge like a horn for your horse. Rock climbing was fun for most of us. For rock climbing we had to put on a harness and helmets. The ropes course was challenging but sooo fun, you had to climb through obstacles and at the end we had a competition for who could finish it faster. For whip cracking we had to put on a straw hat and safety glasses so we didn't hurt ourselves, there was a special technique of how to work a whip properly. Sheep herding we had to literally shout at the sheep to get them moving. The lady had told us that the sheep were VERY stubborn which was very true.  First of all we had to get all the sheep into a pen then we had to sort them into short tails and long tails.

An amazing race was when we needed to get into groups of four and find stuff around the camp and to see who could get the most answers correctly to win. Bush walking was sooo tiring you had to go up and down hills but you got to learn survivor skills. Horse riding was amazing because we had to go to a horse and learnt the tips and tricks about how to do horse riding. A night walk was fun because we went to find a marshmallow stick and we saw horses along the way.

On the night walk we set out to look for sticks to roast marshmallows near the campfire. When the camp was over we all said our last good byes to the camp staff and to our dormitories. We went to go get onto the bus and set off back to school.

By Maessi H

Premier's Reading Challenge

Well done to the following students who have completed the Premier's Reading Challenge:

2ZH 2P 3N
Jessica S Alejandro D Kiara H Ethan G
Amelia H  Alyssa A Tylah-Shae S Jaiden K
Catherine T  Amelia H Yar N Nayla S
Charlotte B  Colby M   Malinda L
Haylee L  Diego T 4WH Harry M
Helen O Elijah Y Zoe H Mary M
Jake B Ella C   Allon P
Janak B Ethan N 4WY Nana P
Joseph T Jaxon S Amelia L  
Kingsley T Jayelah A Mandy S  5R
Koby P Lana K   Annabel P
Levi S Liam H 5P  
Lylah R Lucca M Dekodah B 6SH
Merry N Maddison G Liam C  Denae K
Munyk L Oliver L Jaxon N   
Sabian B Olivia E Madeline P   
Sienna M Orlando H    
Sophia L Parina S    
Talia M Primmada O    
Tiffany C Riley B    
Wade L Shayleen L    
William K Shiloh P    
Wynter D Stella R    
Sienna F Tyson S    
  Vincent M    

Year 4 Camp

You should really go to camp, I loved it! When I found out that we were going to camp I was super nervous because I thought that I would forget to bring something but I didn’t. It was so much fun packing things like clothes, torches and lollies. When we finally got to camp I realised that I would have an amazing time and I was so EXCITED! All the people working there were so nice and the food was so delicious. All the activities were so much fun.

After camp I was so sleepy but when I got home I unpacked and RELAXED. I went to bed early that night and the next morning I was so excited to tell my family ALL about camp and how AMAZING it was. It was a FANTASTIC experience to go to camp. You should definitely go to camp.

By Amelia L


When I went to camp I had a fantastic time, even though I was away from my parents. At least I didn’t have to clean my room. You should go to camp because you get to hang out with your friends and to eat the awesome food. You would certainly have a great time. If you’re worried about going to sleep without an adult, don’t worry because every cabin has an adult. If you don’t go, but you’re friends went, you are most likely to be left out when they’re talking about camp.

Some of my favourite moments at camp were cooking fish in a fire, seeing the 'shut-up' tree, the magic tree, painting boomerangs, learning about Aboriginal life and seeing kangaroos! If I could go again, I’d definitely go. It was so much fun! There’s a big inflatable pillow (The Bouncing Pillow) that you can go and jump on. But there’s a limit of people who can go on. Also, the owners of the camp have a dog named Stella. You MUST go to camp because you get to wear casual clothes! But you have to wear t-shirts that have sleeves and enclosed shoes. The activities are really fun as well.

You get to make shelters, go on walks to the Aldinga beach and scrub, paint boomerangs and so much more! On the last night at camp, we had a giant PYJAMA PARTY! We watched a movie and ate some lollies. Also, on the last day there, we had pancakes and Milo for breakfast. It was super yummy food!
I hope you now want to go to camp so you will have lots of fun with your friends and teachers!

By Isabel T

Woolworths Earn and Learn

Thank you to all our families who have been collecting the Earn and Learn stickers for our school.  So many stickers have been collected already.  Please continue to support our school by collecting stickers and depositing them in the collection boxes at school and also at the Woolworths at Paralowie.

We ask that you encourage other family members to collect stickers to help us gain more educational equipment for our school.

Sticker sheets are available from the front office.

P & F Fundraising

Entertainment books are still available for purchase. Remember that by purchasing a new Entertainment book membership you will supporting fundraising at Bethany Christian School. Please click on the link to purchase a membership for only $70!

Click here to support us

Community News

GTCASA Saturday Club Term 2 2019

Do you have a child who has outstanding intellectual and/or academic abilities? If so, you may want to contact the Gifted and Talented Association of SA to see if they would benefit from participating in their programs such as the Saturday Club.

For more information click on this link

Please feel free to contact one of the Diverse Learning Team here at Bethany if you would like to discuss this further.

Sports News

Weekly Sports Results

 Sport Team Opposition Coaches Pick Score
BasketballU8 Lakers

Keithcott Knights  

Khonreich C Kade M2 . 18
U8 BlazersAFCBC Rockets Elijah W Dylan K 11 . 10
U10 RaptorsAFCBC Dynamite Elijah R Lucas H56 . 4
U12 BobcatsKings WarriorsLucian E Jaxon N10 . 42
U12 RocketsShooting Stars U12B2  Austyn M Ethan G28 . 35
U12 ThunderGGLPS ThunderNicholas B Rainn S11 . 42
 Netball11 & U Shining StarsGS Lightning Bolts Hailey H Alyssa B 5 . 21

 Sport Team Opposition Coaches Pick Score
BasketballU8 Lakers

Kings Eagles 

Charlie Mc Jasmine B 6 . 3
U8 Blazers TVCS HeatIsaleli T-F William G 6 . 12
U10 RaptorsHope Valley HeatArmstrong H Jude C19 . 22
U12 BobcatsTyndale CrocsChadson C Ilyas D18 . 58
U12 RocketsAFCBC Ali Roos  Jaiden K Jadon Webb20 . 19
U12 ThunderKings DragonsMacKenzie C-H Maxx S14 . 23
Netball11 & U Shining StarsTyndale TigersEden L Hayley G8 . 20

Weekly Information

Important Dates

Date Event
Friday 7th June Pupil Free Day
Monday 10th June Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday
Tues 18th and Wed 19th June ELC Photos
Monday 1st July to Friday 5th July Swimming Lessons for Yr 4 & 5
Monday 22nd July Pupil Free Day
Tuesday 23rd July Pupil Free Day
Wednesday 24th July First Day of Term 3
  2019 Term Dates
Term 1 Mon 4th February - Fri 12th April
Term 2 Mon 29th April - Fri 5th July
Term 3 Wed 24th July - Fri 27th September
Term 4 Mon 14th October - Wed 11th December

Monday Morning Praise

Whole School Worship
10 - 10.30am Mondays


Primary Chapel (Years 3 - 6)
10.50 - 11.30am Wednesdays

Junior Primary Chapel (Reception - Year 2)
12.10 - 12.50pm Wednesdays

Uniform Shop Times

The opening times for the Uniform Shop are: 

Monday 8.15 - 10.30 am
Tuesday 8.15 - 10.30 am
Thursday 2.00 - 4.00 pm
Friday 8.15 - 10.30 am

Bethany Christian School

Po Box 2125
Salisbury Downs SA 5108
37 Countess St
Paralowie, SA, 5108

P. 08 8283 0000
F. 08 8283 0101

Class Days
RD Monday & Thursday
RH Monday & Thursday
RHA Monday & Thursday
1D Thursday & Friday
1T Monday & Thursday
1C Monday & Friday
2ZH Tuesday & Friday
2P Wednesday & Friday
2R Thursday & Friday
3L Tuesday & Wednesday
3N Tuesday & Friday
3T Tuesday & Wednesday
4G Monday & Friday
4WH Monday & Friday
4WY Monday & Friday
5P Tuesday & Friday
5R Tuesday & Friday
5T Tuesday & Friday
6SH Monday & Tuesday
6S Monday & Tuesday
6T Monday & Tuesday

Newsletter published: Friday, May 31 2019

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