Bethany Christian School

Bethany Christian School


Week 1Term 32024

Some photos from the Year 1's excursion to the Adelaide Zoo.

From the Principal

Welcome back, I hope that you were able to enjoy some time with your family over the school break. Last term I was able to take some leave and have some time to travel with my husband. It is wonderful to return refreshed, and I look forward to all that we will learn together this term.
I would like to thank Mrs Debbie Clifford and Mrs Melissa Taylor who are our two Deputy Principals for their leadership, and for the team who stepped up to support them. We have a wonderful team of staff here at Bethany and we are blessed to have committed Christians who chose to serve in this school.

We started our term on Monday by joining with Christian schools from all over South Australia to be encouraged and learn more about formation. The questions of who we are becoming and how are we being formed were the emphasis of the day. It was wonderful to join with almost 1400 staff who share a common purpose in supporting students to learn in Christian schools. We were encouraged to consider the stories that we listen to and the stories we tell ourselves that shape the way we think. There are so many influences that compete to shape our thinking. I want to encourage you to stay strong as parents when making choices about what you allow your children to watch or engage with, particularly social media. There is more and more research showing the negative impact it is having in the lives of young people. At Bethany we ask that children under 13 do not have social media accounts. If you would like to hold this line with us at home, I believe you will see the benefits with less anxiety, less social problems, and more opportunity to get out and get moving, improving health and wellbeing.

Our students have had a settled start to the term, and we appreciate your support as you prepare them for school each day. Thank you for all that you do to work in partnership with us. Our school cares for you and your children and we appreciate the hard work you do to make this partnership possible.

I pray that you have a restful weekend.

God bless you,

Wendy Matear

A lying witness is unconvincing; a person who speaks truth is respected.

Proverbs 21:28

Deputy's Corner

Welcome to term 3! I trust you all had a lovely school break with your family.

SRC Fundraising

Last term the SRC held a Crazy Hair Day/Casual Day to raise money for Hope Village School’s library. It was a fabulous success, with everyone thoroughly enjoying wearing a crazy hairdo and their casual clothes, and the SRC raised $886! This money was used by the team who went to work at Hope Village during the school break. Laptops were purchased for the library to establish a library borrowing system.

The NED Show Original

Next week on Thursday 1st of August (week 2), the school will again be having a visit from the NED Show. The show uses yo-yo tricks to cover the topics of resilience, focus, persistence, diligence and excellence in attitude. NED stands for, Never give up, Encourage others and Do your best. After the NED show, yo-yo merchandise will be available for purchase. An order form will be sent home next week with your child if you would like to purchase a yo-yo, which will be delivered to their class to take home. Yo-yo use will be encouraged at school during school break times and in places that are appropriate for yo-yo usage. 

Social Media

There is certainly a place for positive use of social media and when it is used responsibly in an age-appropriate context it can be a great tool to help people. We would urge you to please check that the social media apps that your child is using are age appropriate. Concerning problems arise when a child accesses and uses a social media app when they are too young. Many of the apps have a 13+ year age restriction. By restricting the app for an older age provides time for the child to mature and become equipped with the appropriate skills to navigate the highly complex nature of the online world.  

Social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat appeal to people of almost every age category. What this means is that these sites are not uniquely tailored to meet the needs of any specific demographic: they aren’t necessarily ‘kid friendly’. Yet, as it becomes more commonplace for young people to entirely overlook age restrictions for social media, we must consider why these restrictions are there in the first place.

When an app is made with a specific demographic in mind, the rules are much more clear-cut. If an app is intended for young children, it stands to reason that the app creators will view it as their responsibility to make it as safe as possible for young children: there should be no unmoderated chat functionality, no public location sharing, and no inappropriate content (e.g. gambling) being promoted within the app. If the app is intended for adults, however, it’s entirely possible that users will want to share their location, or participate in unmoderated conversations, so the app creators don’t necessarily need to consider these aspects as carefully.

We all want to keep our children safe. Please take some time to discuss this with your child. If this is an area that you need support in, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or a member of the Wellbeing team. You can also access information and support through the eSafety Commissioner website .

I wish you all a terrific start to the term. 

God bless you,

Deb Clifford
Deputy Principal


Year 1 Excursion


In week 9 of last term, our Year 1 students went to the Adelaide Zoo for an exciting day learning about mapping animals in their habitats.

Everyone had a great day and we would like to thank all the volunteer parents who went along to help on the day.

The Uniform Shop

Please note that the Uniform Shop will be closed from Monday 5th August until Friday 23rd August as we transfer to a new supplier. Online orders will still be available. More information about this change will be coming soon.

Community News

Hope Hampers

Circle of Security Workshop

Sports News

Mini Olympics | Rec - Year 2

This year’s Mini Olympics (Reception - Year 2) is fast approaching! This is a great time for all the students to showcase their growing physical abilities.

The Mini Olympics will be held on the school’s oval on Friday 30th August (Week 6, Term 3).

More information will be updated on the Sports Events Page as we get closer to the event.

Sports Events Page

SACSA AFL Football Tryouts | Year 3|4 and 5|6 Teams

SACSA will soon be holding their annual AFL Carnival

Year 3|4 Carnival  |  Friday 13th September |  Week 8, Term 3

Year 5|6 Carnival  |  Thursday 12th September |  Week 8, Term 3

Students who would like to trial, and are eligible please use the link to nominate

Year 3|4 Tryouts  |  TCC Oval & BCS Oval

Wednesday (Lunchtime 1.00 - 1.40pm)  | 07|08, 14|08  |  Weeks 3 & 4, Term 3

Year 5|6 Tryouts  |  TCC Oval & BCS Oval

Thursday (Lunchtime 1.00 - 1.40pm) | 08|08, 15|08  |  Weeks 3 & 4, Term 3

Meet at the Sports Department by the oval at the beginning of tryouts.

Weekly Basketball | Rec - Yr 6

Bethany Christian School offers a Weekly Basketball program. This is a user pay program staffed by approved volunteer coaches, with compulsory weekly after school trainings held at BCS

There are two seasons per year

Winter Season - Terms 2 and 3  |  Summer Season - Terms 4 and then 1

Age Groups as follows (must be 5 yrs old)

U08s mixed  |  U10s mixed  |  U12 Boys | U12 Girls

Saturday games are generally at the following recreation centers

Golden Grove  |  Burragah  |  Turramurra  |  Ingle Farm  |  The ARC

Weekly Netball | Rec - Yr 6

Bethany Christian School offers a Weekly Netball program. This is a user pay program staffed by approved volunteer coaches, with compulsory weekly after school trainings held at BCS

There are two seasons per year

S1 Season - Terms 1 and Two  |  S2 Season - Terms 2 and 4

Age Groups as follows (must be 5 yrs old)

U08s mixed  |  U10s mixed  |  Under 12s mixed

Saturday games are at The Gardens Recreation Centre.

Match Results | Weekly Sports

Saturday 29|06

SportTeamOpponentCoach's PickMatch Result
NetballU08 Shooting StarsLightning Blitz 8 Ava BNS--
NetballU08 Golden StarsMini Hurricanes Keira CNS--
NetballU10 Wild StarsPooraka Allstars Zofia TW291
NetballU12 Bright Stars-
BasketballU08 BallersBrooks Saints 8Xavier BL921
BasketballU08 CelticsWings FinchesMila PL1012
BasketballU10 LakersBearcats Crushers-L020
BasketballU10 BullsKings TigersArjun SL227
BasketballU12 WarriorsEastern AllstarsKade ML2325

Saturday 06|07

SportTeamOpponentCoach's PickMatch Result
BasketballU08 Ballers76ers Blue JettsLennox PW117
BasketballU08 CelticsWings FlyersArlo PW200
BasketballU10 LakersBrooks Celtics 10Oliver PL833
BasketballU10 Bulls76ers TimberwolvesIsaac DL1822
BasketballU12 WarriorsBrooks Bulldogs 12Dion SL1935

Saturday 20|07

SportTeamOpponentCoach's PickMatch Result
BasketballU08 ThunderHeccies Blue 8-L020
BasketballU08 BallersBrooks Bulldogs 8Brian CL1025
BasketballU08 CelticsDPS SharksAmelia AW162
BasketballU10 Lakers76ers Strikers-L020
BasketballU10 BullsLab 46 10aBentley LL1621
BasketballU12 WarriorsKings HeatSamuel DW2823

Weekly Information

Important Dates

Thursday 1st AugustThe NED Show
Friday 9th AugustSAPSASA Athletics Day
Thursday 15th AugustYear 3 Excursion
Monday 19th to Friday 23rd AugustBook Week
Tuesday 20th AugustSACSA Year 5/6 Netball Carnival
Wednesday 21st AugustSACSA Year 3/4 Netball Carnival
Thursday 29th AugustFather's Day Stall
Friday 30th AugustFather's Day Stall
Friday 30th AugustMini Olympics

Uniform Shop Opening Times

Wednesday8.15 to 10.30 am
Friday8.15 to 10.30 am

Chapel Times

Reception to Year 2Wednesday 12.10pm to 12.50pm
Year 3 to 6Wednesday 10.50am to 11.30am

PE Timetable

ELCMonday to Friday
RHAYTuesday and Friday
RHANTuesday and Thursday
RTBWednesday and Friday
1GTuesday and Thursday
1PMWednesday and Friday
1RWednesday and Thursday
2DMWednesday and Thursday
2WMWednesday and Friday
2ZTuesday and Friday
3HRTuesday and Friday
3MMonday and Thursday
3NWednesday and Friday
4GTMonday and Friday
4KTuesday and Wednesday
4WMonday and Thursday
5MMonday and Thursday
5RTWednesday and Friday
5TTuesday and Friday
6SCTuesday and Wednesday
6TMonday and Thursday
6WTuesday and Friday

School Terms 2024

Term 1Monday 5th February to Friday 12th April
Term 2Tuesday 30th April to Friday 5th July
Term 3Tuesday 23rd July to Friday 27th September
Term 4Monday 14th October to Wednesday 11th December

Bethany Christian School

PO Box 2125
Salisbury Downs SA 5108
37 Countess St
Paralowie, SA, 5108

P. 08 8283 0000

Newsletter published: Thursday, July 25 2024

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