Bethany Christian School



Thank you for your expression of interest in our school. I encourage you to take the time to read through this information which will give you an overview of Bethany Christian School. You are also welcome to visit the other pages of the school’s website to learn about our school and to read our Newsletters or view the student presented video, Bethany News. 

Please contact the school office for more information. If you wish to book for a School Tour, or have any questions regarding the enrolment process please ask to speak to the Enrolment Officer. Thank you for your interest in Bethany Christian School, and I look forward to meeting with you in the future. 

Yours sincerely 

Wendy Matear 

All your children will have God for their teacher - What a mentor for your children!
You will be built solid, grounded in righteousness.
Isaiah 54:13,14


Bethany Christian School is a registered school, managed by a School Council which is comprised of the Senior Pastor of Base Church and members of the Church Management Team, the Principal, a Staff Representative and parents approved by the Church Management Team. At Bethany Christian School we educate children from Early Learning Centre to Year 6. 

Bethany Christian School has a separate identity to the church in terms of incorporation of association and financial structure. 
The school functions as a teaching ministry of Base Church. Its vision and purpose flow from the vision and purpose of Base Church as is its fundamental beliefs (the Principles of Faith).

We have a strong working relationship with Temple Christian College which is a separate school located on the same property. The majority of Bethany Christian School graduates seemlessly transition through to Temple Christian College for Years 7-12.

Vision & Mission Statement


To excel in Christian education and character, inspiring greatness, while serving communities and impacting nations.


  • To excel in Christian education in partnership with families, providing a Biblical worldview.
  • To train and equip our students with leadership and Godly values to achieve personal excellence.
  • To model grace, justice and generosity.
Core Values
 Grace  Leadership  Responsibility  Vision
Compassion  Integrity Respect Truth 
 Justice  Forgiveness Accountability Love 
 Humility  Service Excellence Faith 
 Discipleship  Learning Obedience  
 Generosity  Work   Righteousness   
Principles of Faith

The following is a brief summary of the principles of faith held by the church and school.

  • The Holy Scriptures - their divine inspiration and infallibility

  • The Godhead - comprised of Father, Son and Holy Spirit

  • The Lord Jesus Christ, His incarnation, His vicarious death and resurrection for our sanctification and justification, His ascension and His personal return to this earth

  • The work of the Holy Spirit producing:
    • Salvation through faith in Jesus Christ
    • The fruit of the Holy Spirit which is the manifestation of the character of Christ in the believer
    • The gifts of the Holy Spirit for the fulfilling of the ministry of Christ in, and flowing out from the church
  • The work of the Lord Jesus Christ producing:
    • The Spirit-filled Christian life
    • Divine healing on the basis of His atoning death and resurrection
    • Liberty from bondage originating in Satan
  • The observance of the ordinances of baptism by immersion and the Lord’s Supper

  • The essential spiritual unity of the universal church comprised of all true believers regardless of organizational affiliation

  • The involvement of every believer in the life and outreach of the church under Scriptural leadership
Outdoor worship session before Easter

Aaron Mabikafola

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son
John 3:16

Worship Opportunities

Worship opportunities include classroom daily devotions as well as Monday morning  praise and worship. During this time, which is  lead by the student leadership team, the students sing a range of contemporary Christian songs, participate in prayer and scripture memorisation. Also, Wednesday Chapel is an integral part of each week, allowing for recognition of student achievements and weekly awards. Further opportunities are offered in the choir.

Hope Village Indonesia

Hope School is our sister school in Sumatra, Indonesia. It started in 2015 to provide quality education in a region where poverty restricts many from attending school. In just a few years it has grown from 30 to 500+ students, from Kindergarten to Junior High School, with plans to extend to Senior High School and a Skills Centre.

We have enjoyed partnership from the start and remain involved in a variety of ways. Teams of Bethany staff travel each year to provide training for teachers and school staff. An exciting new initiative is the Hope Village Media Team – a team of children that are learning new skills in technology & media similar to our own students who fundraised to be able to provide them with equipment for their learning.

Each of our classes supports a child from Hope Village. Hope Village started in 2007 as a home for orphaned and abandoned children and has now grown to be a family of 65 children. Each class has the opportunity to correspond with & fundraise for their sponsorship child. It is exciting to see our children embrace a wider worldview and the realisation that they are equipped to help others and make a positive difference.

For more information on the work of Hope Village you can visit their website.

Hope Village Website

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27

House of Hope

Our Staff

All permanent teaching staff are:

  • Committed Christians in regular attendance at their local church
  • Come from a variety of denominational backgrounds
  • Well qualified academically
  • Registered with the Teachers Registration Board of South Australia
  • Committed to the Vision, Mission and Values of the School



Curriculum Rationale

Bethany Christian School uses the Australian Curriculum viewed through a Biblical perspective as the basis for all that we teach.

  • We desire to see every child learn and grow.
  • We want students to be in touch with who they are and explore their interests and passions, whilst growing in a sense of purpose and identity.
  • We want students to have the skills and knowledge that will support their passions and equip them to develop their own agency in learning in preparation for future work.
  • We want students to have opportunities where their thinking is challenged.
  • We want students to wonder, to aspire, to investigate and to problem solve.
  • We want them to chase curiosity and design solutions working rigorously on their strengths and passions whilst developing their weaknesses.
  • We want children to be socially aware, to be collaborative and to know that they belong.
  • We want them to have good character, empathy and integrity.
  • We promote self-discovery, reflection and feedback to help students build confidence and skills.
  • We want them to know that learning is a life long journey that illuminates God’s Big Story.
  • Our school values and learning principles underpin all that we teach.

Principles of Learning

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Biblical Studies

Biblical Studies enables students:

  • To study the living Word of God and learn how to apply it to their lives
  • Understand that learning is a journey that illuminates God’s Big Story
  • To gain an appreciation for and application of Christian beliefs and values
  • To learn who God is in their lives and how they can have a personal relationship with Him
  • To understand what a Christian worldview is and how they can contribute to the world in a positive way that reflects God

Christian Schools Australia


English enables students:

  • To be confident communicators, imaginative thinkers and informed people
  • To engage imaginatively and critically with literature to expand the scope of their experiences
  • To appreciate, evaluate and create texts
  • To explore the richness of language to evoke feelings, ethics, convey information, form ideas and persuade
  • To interact, entertain and build relationships with others through communication
  • To interpret, analyse and understand the world around them

Australian Curriculum - English


Photo by Annabel P


Mathematics enables students:

  • To have skills and knowledge that will help them investigate, solve problems and reason
  • To apply mathematics in daily life with fluency, creativity and efficiency
  • To investigate, represent and interpret situations in their personal lives
  • To be more confident in number, algebra, measurement, geometry and statistics and probability
  • To recognize the connections between mathematics and other subjects

To help students become more self-motivated, confident learners through enquiry and active participation in challenging and engaging experiences

Australian Curriculum - Mathematics

Photo by Annabel P

HASS - Humanities and Social Sciences

HASS enables students:

  • To be reflective and develop deep understanding of the past and present in order to positively influence their future.
  • To value their belonging in a diverse and dynamic society and respect our world and the people in it.
  • To develop skills that help them to contribute locally, nationally and internationally in areas of sustainability, wellbeing, productive economy and cohesive society
  • To develop understanding from different perspectives through skills such as questioning, researching reliable sources, analyzing, evaluating and communicating

Australian Curriculum - HASS

Photo by Annabel P

Technologies - Design and Technology, Digital Technologies

Technologies enables students:

  • To understand how technologies, enrich and impact the lives of people globally
  • Make discerning decisions about the development and use of technologies independently and collaboratively develop solutions to complex challenges
  • To contribute to sustainable pattern of living
  • To play a role in transforming, restoring and sustaining societies, natural, managed and constructed environments
  • To be creative, to innovate and prototype work as they plan, experiment, problem solve and evaluate their ideas
  • To make informed and ethical decisions about the role, impact and use of technologies on society
  • Engage confidently and safely with the appropriate use of technologies

Australian Curriculum - Technologies

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Photos by Annabel P & Lexi B

Diverse Learning and Wellbeing Team

Diverse Learning and Wellbeing supports students through:

  • Tailored instruction to meet individual needs
  • Differentiated content, processes, products, learning environment or flexible grouping to meet the needs that best support their learning
  • Connecting students and families with quality internal and external support services that will contribute to their learning and wellbeing (e.g. Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Psychology, Audiology, Counselling and Family Services Vision Screening, Dental Services, Adult English Classes and parenting courses)

Photo by Annabel P

The Arts - Dance, Drama, Media Arts, Music, Visual Arts

The Arts enables students:

  • To use arts knowledge and skills to create, critically think, communicate, represent, imagine and express in powerful ways
  • To use the arts to entertain, provoke, challenge and share their understanding of themselves, their community and the world around them
  • To develop skills in designing, producing, presenting, performing and resolving their artworks
  • To engage cognition, imagination, senses and emotions whilst experimenting with techniques, process and materials

To reflect and appreciate the meaning of artworks, both as an artist and as part of an audience

Australian Curriculum - The Arts


Photo by Aaron M

Physical Education

Health and Physical Education enables students:

  • To develop understanding for lifelong navigation of health information and systems in order to make choices that help them live healthy, safe and active lives
  • To develop the skills that strengthen their sense of self to build and manage satisfying, respectful relationships
  • To acquire skills of movement in order to participate in a range of activities with confidence, competence and creativity
  • To have the foundations for lifelong physical activity participation
  • To develop positive attitudes towards physical activity and health
  • To refine personal, behavioural, social and cognitive skills for their own health benefit and the health benefits of others

Indonesian Education enables students:

  • To communicate more effectively in Indonesian
  • To explore language, culture and relationship through communicating in another language
  • To strengthen their understanding of the nature of language and the process of communication
  • To develop intercultural capabilities
  • To understand how culture shapes worldviews and extends their understanding of themselves, their own heritage, values, culture and identity

Enhance their critical and creative thinking

Australian Curriculum - Languages


Science enables students:

  • To make sense of their world and the systems with in it through inquiry, collaboration, observation and analysis
  • To develop prediction, experimentation and questioning skills
  • To experience the joy of discovery and wonder as they nurture their curiosity in the world around them
  • To get creative with exploring the unknown, revising their thoughts as they analyse new evidence

Australian Curriculum - Science


Health and Physical Education enables students:

  • To develop understanding for lifelong navigation of health information and systems in order to make choices that help them live healthy, safe and active lives
  • To develop the skills that strengthen their sense of self to build and manage satisfying, respectful relationships
  • To acquire skills of movement in order to participate in a range of activities with confidence, competence and creativity
  • To have the foundations for lifelong physical activity participation
  • To develop positive attitudes towards physical activity and health
  • To refine personal, behavioural, social and cognitive skills for their own health benefit and the health benefits of others

Australian Curriculum - Health and Physical Education

Brilliance - Student Agency

Student Agency:

  • We explicitly teach foundational skills that help students to have choices in their learning giving them agency in their learning
  • Children explore through self-directed experiences, giving them an opportunity to display their own Brilliance

Early Learning Centre

Bethany Early Learning Centre (ELC) offers an language rich educational kindergarten program for children one year before starting formal schooling. Our program is play-based and designed to nurture children socially, emotionally, spiritually, physically, culturally, and academically in a caring Christian environment.

Student Leadership

Leadership is about influence and service. At Bethany Christian School, we believe everyone can be a leader because we all have the ability to influence change and serve one another. Our Year 6 students are actively involved in student leadership, and everyone participates in an area of interest to develop leadership skills and serve their school community. The groups they can choose to work in are Lumin8 (Prefect, House Captain, School Captain), Activ8 (student led lunch time play activities), Student Representative Council (SRC), BCS Creations (media and productions) and Acts of Service (student chosen activities to give to the school community). In class they discuss ideas for improvement in the school and are encouraged to grow in their individual abilities and leadership skills.

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Matthew 6:33

Student Leadership

Photo by Annabel P


Show 360 Tour in Full Window

Enrolment Information

Admission Requirements

All Waiting List Registration Forms must be submitted and accompanied with a copy of the child’s Birth Certificate.

It is a requirement that all enrolling parents:

  • Attend a School Tour
  • Accept the Principles of Faith
  • Support the School’s Vision, Mission and Values
  • Support the School’s policies on Curriculum, Behaviour Management and Uniform
  • Accept responsibility for the payment of the School Fees
Bethany Sign

Photo by Annabel P

School Tours

A requirement before attending an interview or enrolling at Bethany Christian School is attendance at a School Tour.

Personalised arrangements will be made directly with every family who registers their interest in enrolling their children at Bethany Christian School.


Priority is given to:

  • Children where either one or both parents are committed Christians and attending church regulary
  • Siblings of current enrolled students
  • Siblings of students enrolled at Temple Christian College, Paralowie Campus
  • Old Scholar’s Children

The date of lodging a Waiting List Registration Form will be used as a guide in the priority of enrolment. It is essential that we are notified of any changes to information on this form. Failure to do so could affect your child’s future enrolment. Cancellation of a Registration prior to commencement at Bethany Christian School must be made in writing to the Enrolment Officer.

Reception Intake Policy

From 2015 children are able to commence on the first day of school at the start of the year providing they are 5 years of age before the 1st of May of that year.

To enrol at Bethany, please click on the link to complete a Waiting List Registration Form online.